
The Athena Framework provides utility classes for defining unique style changes on hover, focus, and active element states. These utility classes make it easy to develop complex interactive components on-the-fly, without the need for additional CSS.

Despite the names starting with just .hover-, these style adjustments are applied to hover, active, and focus states.


Basic state utilities

Show/hide (opacity)

<a href="#" class="hover-show">Shown on hover</a>
<a href="#" class="hover-hide">Hidden on hover</a>

Show/hide states can be combined with Athena's .fade class for a smoother transition:

<a href="#" class="hover-show fade">Shown on hover (with fade)</a>
<a href="#" class="hover-hide fade">Hidden on hover (with fade)</a>

Scale up/down

<a href="#" class="d-inline-block hover-scale-up">Zooms in on hover (scale+)</a>
<a href="#" class="d-inline-block hover-scale-down">Zooms out on hover (scale-)</a>

Color transitions

<a href="#" class="hover-text-white">Transitions to white on hover</a>
<a href="#" class="hover-text-black">Transitions to black on hover</a>

Text underline

Underlines on hover

<p class="hover-text-underline">Underlines on hover</p>


Athena's available filters also have their own set of state classes, which apply filter effects on hover/active/focus:

<img src="" class="hover-filter-sepia">
<img src="" class="hover-filter-grayscale">
<img src="" class="hover-filter-brightness">
<img src="" class="hover-filter-blur">

To disable a filter on hover, use the .hover-filter-none class:

<img src="" class="hover-filter-none filter-sepia">

Parent + child state utilities

Want to apply state changes to a child element when its parent's state changes? No problem: use our parent and child state utilities to establish the needed relationship between both elements.

How to use

Parent + child state classes are easy to use: simply apply the .hover-parent class to the parent element that should trigger effects when interacted with, and apply a .hover-child-* class to the child element. Available child classes are listed below.

Hover over the blue backgrounds in the examples below, and you'll see the child element change:

Show/hide (opacity)

Shown on hover

Hidden on hover

Shown on hover (with fade)

Hidden on hover (with fade)

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-show p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Shown on hover</p>

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-hide p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Hidden on hover</p>

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-show fade p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Shown on hover (with fade)</p>

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-hide fade p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Hidden on hover (with fade)</p>

Scale up/down

Zooms in on hover (scale+)

Zooms out on hover (scale-)

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-scale-up p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Zooms in on hover (scale+)</p>

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-scale-down p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Zooms out on hover (scale-)</p>

Color transitions

Transitions to white on hover

Transitions to black on hover

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-text-white text-primary p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Transitions to white on hover</p>

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-text-black p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Transitions to black on hover</p>

Text underline

Underlines on hover

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1">
  <p class="hover-child-text-underline p-2 d-inline-block bg-default">Underlines on hover</p>


<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1 pt-5">
    <img src="" class="hover-child-filter-sepia">

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1 pt-5">
    <img src="" class="hover-child-filter-grayscale">

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1 pt-5">
    <img src="" class="hover-child-filter-brightness">

<div class="hover-parent bg-info mb-1 pt-5">
    <img src="" class="hover-child-filter-blur">

Pointer events

Depending on the complexity of the element you're using parent + child state utilities with, you may also need to apply pointer event adjustments to the parent or child element. See our pointer event utility class docs for more information.