Download & install

Download Athena's compiled CSS and JavaScript, source code, or include it with your favorite package manager.

For quick usage, the Athena Framework is hosted on UCF's CDN. For those that want to utilize Athena's Sass variables and mixins directly, Athena can also be downloaded from Github, or included in your project using npm.


Download Options

Direct Download (.zip)

Download Athena Framework v1.3.2


Skip the download and use CDN-hosted files to deliver Athena's compiled CSS and JS to your project.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>


You can also clone a copy of the git project to your computer locally:

git clone


npm install --save ucf-athena-framework

What's Included

The project folder will contain minified files (/dist/) as well as source code (/src/):

Minified, pre-compiled assets

The framework download includes ready-to-use CSS, JavaScript, and webfont files in the /dist/ folder. Projects that just need to include Athena without modifications can use the already-minified files in this folder; see the Installing Minified Files section for more information.

├── dist/
   ├── css/
   │   └── framework.min.css
   ├── fonts/
   │   ├── tulia/…
   │   ├── ucf-condensed-alt/…
   │   └── ucf-sans-serif-alt/…
   └── js/
       └── framework.min.js

Source files

Source Sass files and other full, non-minified, files can be found in the /src/ folder. Projects that need to extend Athena and/or reference Athena's Sass variables should utilize the source code files in this folder. For more information on working with these files directly, see our build tools notes.

├── src/
   ├── fonts/…
   ├── js/…
   └── scss/
   │   ├── …
   │   ├── _alert.scss
   │   ├── _badge.scss
   │   ├── _breadcrumb.scss
   │   ├── _buttons.scss
   │   ├── _card.scss
   │   ├── …
   │   └── framework.scss


Installing Minified Files

After downloading and extracting the Athena-Framework, add the CSS, JS and font files from the /dist/ directory to somewhere within your project. You'll need to maintain the directory structure of the /dist/ folder's contents, since fallback font includes are imported using a relative, fixed path. See the Included Fonts section for more information.

For more information on embedding Athena's styles and scripts into your project's templates, or for instructions on installing CDN assets, see the Quick Start instructions.

Relative font paths in /dist/

Keep in mind that Athena's minified CSS references font files relative to the folder structure in /dist/--meaning that, in projects using these files, this existing folder structure must be maintained for fonts to load properly.

If you cannot store Athena's fallback fonts in a folder called /fonts/ that exists one directory up from the minified framework CSS, you must use Athena's source Sass files, modify the $athena-font-path Sass variable, and minify the framework manually.

Adding to Existing Project Using Bootstrap

Athena is a complete replacement for Bootstrap. If you are already using Bootstrap on an existing project and want to use Athena instead, you should remove Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript completely. Athena is designed to run as a completely standalone framework.

If you're upgrading from Bootstrap 3, be sure to check out the Migration Guide for the full list of differences between Bootstrap and Athena.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


<script src="" integrity="sha384-vtXRMe3mGCbOeY7l30aIg8H9p3GdeSe4IFlP6G8JMa7o7lXvnz3GFKzPxzJdPfGK" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-CPFFlrdhp9pDDCqRqdTKNZ5oAHsnfnvHGt0CsRIeL5Gc7V/OkP1Y4w8zTxlV3mat" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Webfont Configuration

Included Fonts

If you're loading Athena from UCF's CDN, fallback fonts will be used without any additional steps.

To utilize fallback webfonts in a manual installation, copy the /fonts/ directory (from the /dist/fonts/ in the framework's files) to the same folder in your project that you added the framework's CSS and JS files to. The framework's CSS is built to include webfonts from that directory.

 ├── css/
 ├── fonts/
 │   ├── tulia/
 │   ├── ucf-condensed-alt/
 │   └── ucf-sans-serif-alt/
 └── js/

Alternatively, you can pick a custom location for the fallback fonts directory within your project, as long as you modify the $athena-font-path Sass variable and recompile.

Cloud.typography Premium Font Configuration

As of v1.3.0, Athena is no longer supporting the use of fonts from the Cloud.typography service. Instead, the project will use the "fallback" fonts contained within the project as the primary fonts.

Do not attempt to self-host Gotham font files that are not provided by Cloud.typography for production font projects.